Debate on House of Assembly Resolution – July 23, 2020

Mr. Speaker: Today, we debate a Resolution that: (a) approves the continuance of the Proclamation made on the 29th day of June, 2020 until the 30th day of September, 2020; (b) affirms the continuance in effect of the Emergency Powers (Covid-19 Pandemic) Regulations, 2020 made on 29th day of June, 2020 until the […]
Emergency Powers (Covid19 Pandemic)(No.2) Order 2020 (Final)

Emergency Powers (Covid19 Pandemic) (Grand Bahama) (Lockdown) Order, 2020

Emergency Powers (Covid19 Pandemic) (Beaches)(No.2) Order, 2020

Emergency Powers (Covid19 Pandemic)(Special Provisions)(Amendment) Order, 2020