More than $105 million provided in VAT, Customs duties and excise tax waivers to islands devasted by Hurricane Dorian

HOPE TOWN, Abaco – Since Hurricane Dorian in 2019, more than $105 million in tax concessions have been provided under the Special Economic Recovery Zone (SERZ) in VAT, Customs duties and excise tax waivers, said Prime Minister and Minister Finance the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis. The SERZ relief order was enacted following Hurricane Dorian […]
REMARKS: The Most Hon. Hubert A. Minnis Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Hope Town Shoreline Stabilisation Project

Ladies and Gentlemen: Good morning. No matter the many times I have come to Hope Town over so many years, I am always taken by the natural beauty as well as the architecture of your community, which represents the history and struggles of many generations of Abaconians. The people of Elbow Cay and Hope Town […]
Work continues to progress on the Little Abaco Bridge project