Nine new Cabinet ministers sworn-in

Prime Minister the Hon. Philip Davis today introduced the first set of new Cabinet ministers with portfolios covering the Attorney General, Foreign Affairs, Education, Works and Public Utilities, Health and Wellness, Government Affairs, Agriculture, National Security and Legal Affairs. The nine ministers were sworn-in on Monday 20 September 2021 by Governor-General the Most Hon. Sir […]
REMARKS: Prime Minister Davis on the occasion of the Swearing-In of Nine Members of The Cabinet of The Commonwealth Of The Bahamas – September 20th, 2021

Your Excellency, the Governor-General and Mrs. Smith, First Lady, my wife Ann-Marie, Deputy Prime Minister I Chester Cooper & Mrs. Cooper, Honourable and Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: Good afternoon. Throughout my tenure both inside and outside of government, I have highlighted my belief that producing real and enduring progress for our country relies on […]