Prime Minister Davis attends The American Caribbean Maritime Foundation 2021 Anchor Awards: Moving from Small Island Developing State To Maximizing Big Ocean State Potential

In keeping with the Davis Administration’s commitment to supporting the cultivation of new opportunities and empowering the Bahamian community, Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis attended The American Caribbean Maritime Foundation 2021 Anchor Awards yesterday, November 12th 2021. Chairman / CEO of The Lannaman & Morris Group of Companies, Harriat Pershad Maragagh (posthommus)and SVP, Technology & Operations […]
REMARKS: Prime Minister Philip Davis The American Caribbean Maritime Foundation – 12th November 2021

Good evening.Thank you so much for inviting me to bring remarks to this wonderful gala event.After the isolation and dislocation that so many of us experienced these past two years, we cherish even more opportunities where we can meet in-person, and fully experience human contact. As you know, my Administration in The Bahamas came into […]