Prime Minister congratulates graduates of BTVI and Over-the-Hill Initiative technical program

Congratulations to the 45 Graduates of the BTVI NCCER Core/Level 1 Certificate program.

The program is the result of a partnership between the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute, the Over-the-Hill Community Development Partnership Initiative and Mt. Pleasant Green Baptist Church International.

The partnership is designed to specifically benefit residents of Over-the-Hill communities.

The National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) is an internationally recognized global certification program and will empower the graduates to become craftspeople in various areas.

Graduates were exposed to trades such as carpentry, masonry, drywall, electrical, HVAC, tiling and plumbing.

They achieved the Get Connect Certification/CISCO certification for Information Technology and completed the NCCER core certification and the Occupational Health Safety Certification.

“This program has prepared you for the workforce,” said Prime Minister Minnis, who was the keynote speaker at Friday’s graduation ceremony held at the Edmund Moxey Youth and Community Centre.

“It has prepared you for new opportunities as our economy reopens as we are in need of skilled individuals in many fields.”