Good afternoon church and please be seated.
As one local news pundit puts it, “from the volleyball court to the pulpit. The Church of God (COG) Bahamas will install a new spiritual leader.”
On behalf of the government and people of The Bahamas, I greet the officers and members of Church of God, Bahamas in peace and offer congratulations to your National Overseer-Designate and Administrative Bishop – Designate, Bishop Joseph A. Smith on the occasion of his consecration to these high offices.
As too many of our young men are under attack by the forces of evil and are failing to realize their full God-given potential and leadership assignment, the life, service and work of Bishop Joseph Smith is refreshing and stands out as very good examples of national duty and citizenship, worthy of emulation and aspiration.
This good Long Island man is a local sports hall of fame inductee. In his youth he was a good baseball player – not as good as me – but fairly good. He was also an elite volleyball (I’ll give him that) who later offered of his time and considerable talents as a baseball and volleyball coach, influencing, moulding and guiding young impressionable lives.
As a youth he became a youth pastor and mentor and having proven himself to be faithful over these lesser responsibilities, the body of Christ has elected him National Overseer and Administrative Bishop of the affairs of the Church of God Bahamas.
Bishop Smith, you obediently heeded the call of God to become a shepherd, dedicated to bearing the burdens of and representing the interests of the flock – often times putting the needs and concerns of the flock ahead of yourself and your family.
This is noble, laudable and I applaud your faithfulness.
We all have a responsibility to celebrate the legacy and work of men and women like Bishop Smith and we should never grow weary of telling his story of commitment, leadership, mentorship, godly living, selflessness and yes Bahamian exceptionalism.
I applaud your vision, strategic plan and goals of your administration. These primary goals include strengthening community ties, fostering inclusivity, and promoting a deeper understanding of the faith.
Further Bishop Smith, as you assume your new post, I implore you to stand up for all forms of justice and fairness – plead the cause of the weak, the voiceless, the poor and comfort the broken hearted even as you assist the widow, the sick and shut in. Use your bully pulpit to always speak truth to power on any number of important national issues affecting the lives of ordinary Bahamians.
I am confident that Bishop Smith will do well in his new role, expanding on the great legacy and vast – and I dare say – impressive body of work of the Church of God, Bahamas throughout the length and breadth of The Bahamas.
There are a number of public, private sector partnerships on which my government and the church community can agree in the interest of community development, youth development, social justice, economic justice and the strengthening of our social fabric.
The participation of the church in Urban Renewal projects has proven fruitful in inner city communities and such projects should be expanded.
I commend the ministerial leadership of the Church of God Bahamas in the important areas evangelism, missions, community outreach, Christian education, Sunday school and Christian leadership. These programs have a proven track record of transforming lives all to the honour and glory of God.
It is my fervent prayer that the anointing of God on the life of Bishop Joseph Smith will cause for the renewing of the minds and spirits of our people, drawing them ever closer to God for it is written that if God be lifted up, He will indeed draw ALL men and women unto to Him.
This is the principal vision, mission, duty and objective of the church and bishops are charged with leading the flock in realizing these important objectives.
So Bishop Smith and fellow saints, as your theme rightly points out, “The Journey Continues” for the modern church just as the journey continued for ancient Israel in the Old Testament book Judges and for the early church at Philippi as seen in the New Testament Book of Philippians.
Let us all work together for the common good while it is day for the night cometh when no man can work.
On behalf of my wife, Ann Marie, the government and people of The Bahamas, I congratulate Bishop Joseph A. Smith on his consecration to the high dual offices of National Overseer and Administrative Bishop of the Church of God, Bahamas.
May Almighty God continue to bless the good work of this denomination even as He continues to bless the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.