Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the Opening of the Family Court Complex
Good morning to all who have joined us for the opening of this new court complex. In the near future, many families will receive fair consideration, equitable solutions, and balanced remediation of their circumstances here in this complex. When we talk about strengthening the justice system, we often talk about the criminal justice system, but […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis’s Parliamentary Address to Provide an Update on the Recent Indictment filed in the Southern District of New York
Madam Speaker, Last week, I spoke in this House about an indictment filed in the Southern District of New York which contains allegations against 11 Bahamian citizens, including a senior police officer, a police sergeant, and a defence force officer. Today, I wish to update the Bahamian people on this matter. Since last week, I […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis’s Remarks at Princess Margaret Hospital’s Annual Governor General’s Visit
Her Excellency, the Most Honourable, Cynthia “Mother” Pratt, Minister Darville, Chairman Edwards, Managing Director Rolle, the Public Hospitals Authority family, Princess Margaret Hospital leadership and staff, and, of course, my fellow Bahamians. Today, as the Governor General makes her annual visit to the Princess Margaret Hospital, to share warmth and compassion with those who are […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis’s Remarks at the Office of The Attorney General’s Retirement Gala Luncheon
Colleagues, Esteemed retirees, Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon. It is humbling to be a part of this luncheon, accompanied by so many giants from the public sector. The venerable retirees gathered today boast a combined 333 years of service to the Government of The Bahamas. It is my privilege to stand before you as we […]
Prime Minister Davis’s Communication to Parliament on the United States District Court Southern District of New York Indictment Regarding Bahamian Nationals and Officials
Madam Speaker, Yesterday, the Government of The Bahamas was made aware of an indictment filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. This indictment, that involves criminal activity that commenced since at least May 2021, exposes deeply troubling allegations of corruption within our own borders. It alleges that certain […]