Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks on the Budget for Security and Progress Debate cont’d
Madam Speaker: Last Friday was Labour Day – always an important occasion, but an especially moving one in the year that we celebrate our 50th anniversary of independence. Because it was the courage of Bahamian workers, standing up for fairness, and justice, and dignity, that ignited a fire that could not be extinguished – a […]
Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks on the Budget for Security and Progress
Madam Speaker: Providence has determined that each of us has been blessed to represent our fellow Bahamians in this parliament as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of our Commonwealth. My government heeds well the rallying cry of this year’s celebrations, that we should do all that we can to lift up our […]
Prime Minister Davis Remarks on the Central Bank of the Bahamas Amendment
Madam Speaker, Today, we will debate the Central Bank of The Bahamas (Amendment) Bill, 2023. I would like to address head-on the concerns raised by the Opposition Leader, Mr Michael Pintard, regarding our government’s access to $232 million of the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocation and the subsequent amendment to the Central […]
Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks on Closing of the Mid-Year Budget Debate
CLOSING OF THE MID-YEAR BUDGET DEBATE Madam Speaker, On the 31st of May 2023, I will return to this House to present the 2023/2024 Budget. It will be the country’s Jubilee budget and will feature important and innovative policies that will lay the foundation for our next 50 years as a nation. This will be […]
Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at the Mid-Year Budget Debate
Mid-Year Budget Debate 2023 Opening Remarks Introduction Thank you for recognizing me, Madam Speaker. It is a very great honour that the resourceful and resilient people of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador have reposed their confidence in my leadership, and I am committed to proving myself worthy of their confidence – today and […]