Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at the Mid-Year Budget Debate

Mid-Year Budget Debate 2023 Opening Remarks Introduction Thank you for recognizing me, Madam Speaker. It is a very great honour that the resourceful and resilient people of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador have reposed their confidence in my leadership, and I am committed to proving myself worthy of their confidence – today and […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at the Groundbreaking of the Golden Yolk Project

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I am delighted to stand before you today to mark this historic groundbreaking for the Golden Yolk project. Historic, because it represents one of the first steps in a marathon toward a more resilient, self-reliant Bahamas.  It has long been lamented that as a nation we import too much of […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Presentation on the Mid-Year Budget

1. INTRODUCTION Madam Speaker:  It gives me great pleasure to rise in my capacity as the Minister of Finance, to present the fiscal year 2022/23 Mid-Year Review of Fiscal Performance as required by the Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2018, and the Public Financial Management Act, 2021. Madam Speaker: When we came into office in September 2021, […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks on the Business Roundtable Presentation

As we celebrate 50 years of Independence, it is essential to reflect on our legacy since Independence, the current state of our nation, and how we will determine our future. The legacy of the first 50 years of Independence was a time of tremendous progress and transformation for our country as we built our modern […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Response to the Rt. Honourable Justin Trudeau

On behalf of the Heads of Government of CARICOM, we appreciate your empathy and your commitment to regional cooperation in addressing the humanitarian crisis in the Republic of Haiti. The stabilisation of Haiti’s institutions, infrastructure, and communities is integral to the security of the Caribbean region and to its future development.  We are committed to […]