Reopening of Regular Domestic Travel

As part of the ongoing and phased reopening of the country, domestic borders will be opened for regular domestic commercial flights and for domestic pleasure craft and yachts. This applies to all islands of The Bahamas. The reopening of regular commercial domestic travel is part of the broader opening of the economy and to accommodate […]


Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis released the following statement today on the resumption of worship services under specific conditions, and the further relaxation of business hours and days for designated exempted businesses and services outlined in the Emergency Powers (COVID 19) Order 2020. Worship services Effective Saturday 23 May worship services may […]


Good afternoon. I am announcing today that after consultation with health and other officials, including officials on Bimini, that Bimini will be placed on a two-week lockdown in order to slow and control the community spread of the COVID-19 virus on this island. This complete lockdown will take effect beginning, Monday, May 18th at 9 […]

Statement on appointment of Economic Recovery Committee

The Cabinet Office today announced that Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis has appointed an Economic Recovery Committee.   The public-private Committee will make recommendations to the Cabinet on the long-term economic recovery of The Bahamas economy, including job-creation and stimulating small business recovery and development in response to COVID-19.   The Committee […]