Nassau, Bahamas – Dr. Adelle Thomas, a distinguished Senior Scientist in Climate Analytics and a Senior Fellow at the Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Research Centre of the University of The Bahamas, has been elected to Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) during its 59th Session held in Nairobi, Kenya, on 28 July 2023.
The IPCC, a United Nations body, plays a crucial role in assessing the science behind climate change, evaluating its impacts and future risks, and providing essential insights into adaptation and mitigation options. Dr. Adelle Thomas’ election to Working Group II is a testament to her extensive experience and expertise in climate change research and policy, making her a formidable representative for The Bahamas and all small island developing states in the Caribbean Community.
“The election of Dr. Thomas is a testimony of what Small Island States can achieve when we’re united in a cause,” noted Rochelle Newbold, Director of the Climate Change & Environmental Advisory Unit, Office of the Prime Minister.
“The Bahamas had excellent support from CARICOM Members countries and the teamwork between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – particularly Ms. Charice Rolle and Director Jeffery Simmons from the Department of Meteorology and National Focal Point for the IPCC – ensured that national support was evident.”
“We look forward to Dr. Thomas’ continued contributions to climate science through the lens of Small Island States.”
Dr. Thomas has been a lead author and contributor to various IPCC publications and has participated in different bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Her appointment marks a significant step towards achieving the government’s Climate Change mandate, ensuring that The Bahamas is not just present but actively heard in crucial climate negotiations.
We stand united in our commitment to combat climate change and forge a prosperous and resilient future for The Bahamas.
For Press Inquiries:
Keishla Adderley, Press Secretary
Office of The Prime Minister
Commonwealth of The Bahamas