Nassau, The Bahamas – Today, Prime Minister Philip Davis led the debate at Parliament on the landmark Anti-Gang Bill, 2024, and the Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 2024.
In his contribution to the debate, Prime Minister Davis said once passed the legislation will give new tools to law enforcement in the fight against criminal gangs, a societal plague on which Bahamians have increasingly demanded more action be taken.
“Today, we are making it clear that this administration is willing to take on the organized gangs who destroy lives and communities. Enough is enough,” the Prime Minister declared from the floor of Parliament.
The legislative changes are supported by existing initiatives that aim to correct absenteeism in schools, robust and ongoing technical and vocational training, and empowering youth to make a difference through the National Youth Guard.
Key features of the Anti-Gang Bill 2024 include the establishment of the kind of evidence that may be permissible in court to prove a person’s gang involvement. A comprehensive list includes symbols, signs, codes, markings, or clothing. A person who assists, transports, or disposes of evidence among other things may also face criminal charges.
The Anti-Gang Bill 2024 also gives the Supreme Court the capacity to declare a group as a gang to prosecute its members.
Further, the bill in clauses 5 and 6, defines gang membership and activity, which involves recruitment, initiation, and acts of intimidation.
Anyone found guilty of offenses under the Bill may face 25 years in prison and up to a fine of $100,000. However, if someone is proven to be a gang member who took a life during gang-related activity, they will face up to life in prison.
The bill also makes provisions for convicting for retaliatory killings with a penalty of up to 20 years in prison.
The Penal Code Amendment Bill 2024, ensures the deletion and repeal of definitions and sections within the Penal Code to make room for changes brought by the Ant-Gang Bill.
Prime Minister Davis said through a more robust Penal Code and stiffer penalties in the Anti-Gang Bill 2024, the way forward for a safer Bahamas is clearer than ever.
For Press Inquiries:
Keishla Adderley, Acting Press Secretary
Office of The Prime Minister
Commonwealth of The Bahamas