Nassau, The Bahamas – In accordance with the Government’s objectives as stated in the 2023 Speech from the Throne, the Government is pleased to announce the launch of a public consultation on legislative reforms to enhance the protection of intellectual property in The Bahamas.
In our Blueprint for Change, we recognized that a key component of our economy requires the creation of a new economic model for creatives and the orange economy in The Bahamas. We likewise recognize that we must provide a legal and practical framework to incentivize creatives to obtain intellectual property protections for their creations that will empower these creatives to negotiate contracts with international distribution platforms.
Our Government has undertaken an extensive review of the intellectual property laws of The Bahamas and will implement new legislation that is consistent with current international best practices and will allow for an efficient and streamlined process for international and domestic protection of IP assets and creations. The legislation and regulations will provide protections for copyright, geographical indicators, integrated circuits, patents, trademarks, and new plant varieties. The new legislative framework is the subject of this public consultation.
To achieve our goals of utilizing intellectual property it must be easy for creatives to protect their assets, creations, and inventions. We will reform the process of obtaining intellectual property protections and in line with international best practice, a separate IP Office led by an IP Registrar is proposed under the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs. This specific IP Office is intended to provide the much-needed focus and attention to IP in The Bahamas.
Under the new reforms, it is proposed that The Bahamas accede to several international IP treaties, expanding protection for Bahamian IP internationally. An overview of these international conventions is found in the consultation documents.
The public is invited to visit the public consultation website at ipbahamas.gov.bs to review the various bills and other information related to the proposed changes to the framework for Bahamian Intellectual Property protections. Suggestions and comments are welcomed until midnight on 15 March 2024, after which all feedback will be compiled and carefully considered along with the draft bills.
It is intended that the final version of the bills will be presented to Parliament during the second quarter of 2024.