Statement from Prime Minister Davis on the Review of the University of The Bahamas Cost of Living Report

The Office of The Prime Minister is currently reviewing a recent report by the University of The Bahamas highlighting the challenges Bahamians face with the rising cost of living. These challenges are not new—they are deeply rooted in longstanding structural issues in our economy that have been building over many years. From limited competition in […]
Prime Minister Davis’s Keynote Address at the Energy Summit
“Accelerating The Bahamas’ Energy Transition through Innovation and Strategic Partnerships“ Good morning, Thank you for joining us today. It’s an important moment for our country—a moment that we have been working toward since the very first days of this administration. I’d like to start by sharing a story that has stayed with me, a story […]
Prime Minister Davis’s Contribution to the Debate on the Domestic Minimum Top-Up Tax Bill, 2024
Madam Speaker, Today, we debate the Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax Bill, 2024, which is projected to generate revenues of up to $140 million to support our transformative, people-focused agenda. This Top-up Tax, which is the first-ever corporate income tax introduced in The Bahamas, will raise revenues without negatively impacting Bahamian businesses in this country. For […]
Prime Minister Davis’s Keynote Address at the 10th Annual Diplomatic Week
“Climate, Trade and Cultural Diplomacy” Parliamentary Colleagues, Ambassadors, Heads of Mission, Ladies and Gentlemen. “We wish to live in peace; we wish to satisfy the needs, both spiritual and physical, of our own people; we wish to be neither dominated nor coerced, and we wish to create a society built on the sound foundation of […]
Prime Minister Davis’s Keynote Address at the National Youth Guard Cohort 3 Graduation Ceremony
Ladies and gentlemen, It’s a pleasure to be here to celebrate this third cohort. Let’s give the newest members of the National Youth Guard a rousing round of applause! Today is indeed a special milestone. For these sixty-three young men and women, the past few months have been filled with new experiences – exciting challenges […]