Statement from Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis Our Economy Is Growing; There’s Still a Long Way to Go.

I welcome the latest report from Standard & Poors (S & P), a global credit ratings agency, which acknowledged our country’s “robust” recovery, the reduction in the fiscal deficit, the containment of our debt burden, and the government’s new energy reforms. These factors supported S & P’s decision to affirm our country’s credit ratings and […]
Statement from Prime Minister Davis on the Passing of Keith Holland Parker

On behalf of my wife, Ann, and a grateful nation, I extend our deepest condolences to Keith Holland Parker’s family, friends, and loved ones. Keith was an extraordinary individual whose legacy will forever be tied to the development of sports and education in our country. He was more than a coach—he was a mentor, a […]
Prime Minister Davis Address UN General Assembly
Calls Out Hypocrisy on Climate Funding and Advances Bahamian Bid for Security Council Membership New York, NY – Today, Prime Minister Philip Davis delivered a strong address to the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, where he called attention to the stark hypocrisy in global climate financing while announcing The Bahamas’ candidacy for […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis’s National Statement at the 79th UN General Assembly
Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Your Excellencies. My sincere congratulations to Ambassador Yang on your election as President of the General Assembly and to your predecessor Ambassador Francis. I trust that you will guide us and keep us on a steady course throughout this 79th Assembly. Over the past three years, The Bahamas has been pleading with member states […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis’s Keynote Address at the 2024 Concordia Annual Summit
“Leading from the Frontlines: A New Blueprint for Climate Action” Friends, colleagues, leaders from across sectors, welcome to the Concordia Annual Summit. We gather today at a time of unprecedented global challenges, but also at a time ripe with promise. As we grapple with complex issues, from trade and technology to healthcare and sustainability, it […]