Thousands benefit from tuition grant programme

Approximately 2,900 of almost 5,000 students enrolled at the University of The Bahamas (UB) are benefitting from the Government’s Tertiary Education Grant Programme initiated last August to increase tuition-free access to tertiary education for qualified Bahamians, said Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis. Of that number, 178 are receiving the additional $500 per […]

Communication on Earthquake

House of Assembly Communication The Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis Mr. Speaker: I thought it appropriate as the substantive minister for the Ministry of Disaster Preparedness, Management and Reconstruction that I give a communication to the Honorable House on the earthquake in our region yesterday. NEMA announced last evening that, “The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre […]

Prime Minister reports on earthquake tremors

Building codes may now have to take into consideration the impact of the effects of earthquakes in the region, Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis said yesterday in a Communication to the House of Assembly on the earthquake experienced in the Caribbean on Tuesday. While The Bahamas is not officially in the earthquake […]