Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at the 2024 Majority Rule Day Wreath Laying Ceremony

My brothers and sisters: Today, we come together to honour the founding father of our nation, and the many others who fought alongside him. We come together to remember the days before Majority Rule, and to appreciate the modern, independent nation we’ve built in the years since. And we come together to dedicate ourselves to […]

Prime Minister Philip Davis’ remarks at the RBPF Annual Service of Thanksgiving 2024

Pastor Delton Fernander… Reverend Members of the Clergy… Commissioner Fernander, and Noble Women and Men of the Royal Bahamas Police Force… Distinguished Guests… Ladies and Gentlemen… Good afternoon. Yesterday was what is traditionally regarded as the Twelfth Day of Christmas, the day which celebrates the visit of the Wise Men to the Baby Jesus. Along with their gold, frankincense and myrrh, […]