Prime Minister Philip Davis’ Remarks at the New Providence Solar Energy RFP Announcement

Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen.

As you have heard me say many times, and in many contexts, we didn’t come here to defend the status quo but to change it.

And if there’s one area crying out for urgent and major change, it’s energy.

For far too long, high prices and unreliability have hurt Bahamian families and businesses, undermining our progress and our prosperity.

We are building a new energy reality for our country – one that is cleaner, more affordable, and more reliable.

Today, we are taking a very big step forward, with an RFP for significant solar energy infrastructure – up to 100MW —  in New Providence. This Request for Proposal is a very important component of our larger reforms to the energy sector, which feature massive investments and upgrades in how we generate, and store energy. Along with new solar energy in New Providence, we are significantly expanding the use of solar energy on our Family Islands.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that these energy reforms represent a turning point for The Bahamas. We are showing that in The Bahamas, yes, we can harness the sun’s abundant energy, reduce our reliance on imported fuels, and take charge of our energy future. Powering more of our energy needs with the sun aligns with our values, our economic needs, and our environmental responsibilities. 

While we open these bids globally, our focus is on empowering Bahamians. We’re committed to ensuring these developments bring jobs, technology, and skills training to our shores. My stance is clear: Bahamian opportunities come first.

I’m grateful you joined us today, as we take this step forward to drive our country’s economic growth, create jobs, and strengthen our resilience. 

I now invite Minister Jobeth Coleby Davis to detail the specifics of this RFP and its alignment with our broader commitment to transforming the energy landscape. 

Thank you.