Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at the Babe Ruth Caribbean Championship Opening

Good Day everyone, It is such a beautiful day to launch the 2023 Caribbean Championship and Invitationals. To those of you who have travelled to be here today: Welcome to The Bahamas! And to my fellow Bahamians, I am so happy to see you come out to compete, support, and demonstrate our Bahamian hospitality and […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at the Plenary Session of the EU-CELAC Summit

Prime Minister Sanchez and Representatives of the European Union…. Fellow Heads of Government from Latin America and the Caribbean Region… Madam Secretary-General of Caricom: The climate crisis is now. Not long ago, scientists and activists implored policymakers to act on behalf of future generations. But it is no longer necessary to warn about the future […]

Prime Minister Philip Davis Urges EU to Finalize Post-Contonou Agreement at CELAC Summit, Highlights Need for New Financing Criteria and Climate Change Consideration

BRUSSELS, Belgium- Prime Minister Philip Davis addressed the 3rd CELAC Summit of Heads of State and Government in Brussels, Belgium, Monday urging the European Union to finalize the Post-Contonou Agreement, which would frame the terms of trade between Europe, the Caribbean and African Pacific States (ACP). Prime Minister Davis, speaking in his capacity as the […]

Prime Minister Davis to Attend CELAC-EU Summit in Brussels, Belgium

Prime Minister Davis is set to travel to Brussels, Belgium, to represent the nation at the EU-CELAC summit. Davis will also chair the CARIFORUM meeting while in Brussels. The Prime Minister’s agenda includes crucial discussions about the issues of blacklisting and climate change. In the Prime Minister’s absence, Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister, will serve […]