Office of the Prime Minister launches Suggestions website platform

The Office of the Prime Minister has launched a suggestions platform on its website The platform will serve as a central point for the collection of non-health related suggestions related to the national response to COVID-19. Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis announced during his latest National Address that the platform would […]

Partial re-opening of Certain Businesses

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis announced the partial re-opening of home and hardware stores, auto parts establishments and plant nurseries, and the resumption of construction in the Family Islands during a press conference to update the nation on the national response to COVID-19, on Sunday 19 April. Landscaping and property maintenance services […]

PRESS CONFERENCE: Update on COVID-19 Response – 19 April

Good afternoon. I want to provide the country and the media an update on our comprehensive and full government response to the health, social and economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 virus. This is also a follow-up to a number of matters from my National Address last Monday. I am joined at this afternoon’s press […]