Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the Progressive Liberal Party of Bermuda Convention

Honoured and Distinguished Guests, My Sisters and Brothers, Good Evening! I believe that somewhere in Heaven, they’re smiling tonight. I believe that somewhere in Heaven, Dame Lois Browne-Evans and Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling are smiling tonight. Smiling, because it is on nights like tonight, when the Progressive Labour Party of Bermuda, and the Progressive Liberal […]

Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the Commissioning Ceremony and Investiture of Ambassadors

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, We are celebrating Diplomatic Week to share our strategic priorities for the Bahamas’ foreign policy at home and abroad. Our diplomatic core represents our country in a world filled with uncertainty and a time when the fundamentals of globalization are being challenged. For our administration, rebuilding The Bahamas’ image and […]

Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks to the Disaster Risk Reduction Summit

Ladies and Gentlemen: We know about Disasters. We know what it is like to live in a world where every year, we brace ourselves for possible catastrophes. We know all too well the utter devastation a hurricane can bring to our shores. On September 1st 2019, a devastatingly unprecedented Category Five hurricane made landfall in […]

Prime Minister Davis’s Statement on the Increase in Fuel Tariff

Good morning, everyone. Next Tuesday, a week from today, I will deliver a National Address to the country. I look forward to sharing my thoughts about the progress we’ve made in our first year of governance, the challenges and opportunities for our country, and the way forward. This morning I wanted to speak about an […]