Prime Minister Davis’ Presentation on the Mid-Year Budget

1. INTRODUCTION Madam Speaker:  It gives me great pleasure to rise in my capacity as the Minister of Finance, to present the fiscal year 2022/23 Mid-Year Review of Fiscal Performance as required by the Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2018, and the Public Financial Management Act, 2021. Madam Speaker: When we came into office in September 2021, […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks on the Fiscal Strategy Report

Madam Speaker, It gives me great pleasure to rise in this Honourable House in my capacity as the Minister of Finance, to table two of the most significant policy documents in the Government’s fiscal calendar: Together, these documents articulate the specific policies and strategies of this administration which are restoring the country’s fiscal health, as […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks on the FTX Group

Madam Speaker: Numerous crypto tokens and companies around the world have collapsed in the past few months, including Terra/Luna, Celsius, 3 Arrows Capital, and Voyager Digital, setting off a series of reverberations. As you know, the FTX group has one entity which is regulated in The Bahamas, FTX Digital Markets Limited. This entity’s registration has […]