Statement from Office of The Prime Minister on Prime Minister Davis Travel to Jamaica for a Meeting with Caribbean Leaders on Regional Security

Earlier this afternoon, Prime Minister Davis departed for Jamaica to join fellow CARICOM leaders for a one-day session in Kingston, where the focus will be advancing the stabilization of Haiti and strengthening regional security. The Prime Minister returns on Tuesday morning. In his absence, Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper will serve as Acting Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at BREEF Extreme Hangout 2024

Good morning everyone, I am so pleased to be back here at my alma mater and so proud to see such inspiring and thriving young minds gathered here in the name of a sustainable future.  Everywhere I go, I display my pride as a green Giant proudly. As an alumnus of this great institute of […]

Statement from the Office of The Prime Minister on NIB Rate Increase

In the midterm budget debate this week, the government has outlined important progress in moving our nation forward, despite the serious and complex challenges which we face. We came to office during a time of crisis. Yet, despite the significant debt we inherited, we knew our policies needed to go beyond rescue, relief, and recovery. […]