Prime Minister Davis attends Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) and G77 + China Summits and Announces Formation of Diplomatic Relationship with Kenya.

The Davis Administration is proud to announce the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between The Bahamas and Kenya, marking a significant milestone in our country’s international engagement. The announcement underscored the Administration’s strategic commitment to expanding opportunities for Bahamians. It was made as Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis returned from Kampala, Uganda, where, over the […]

Official Press Statement from Prime Minister Davis on Operation Potcake 2024

As Prime Minister, I am honored to endorse Operation Potcake 2024, a significant initiative that stands as a testament to our commitment to animal welfare and social responsibility. This commendable project is a collaborative endeavor involving the Bahamas Humane Society, Baark!, and Animal Balance, and is generously supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry […]

Press Statement on the Release of The Davis Administration’s Five Pillar Plan to Fight Crime

Today, the Davis Administration released a detailed and unyielding strategy to combat crime, which speaks to the government’s resolve to face this national crisis head-on. The strategy is built on a ‘Whole of Government and Whole of Society Approach,’ encapsulated in the Five Pillars: Prevention, Policing/Detection, Prosecution, Punishment, and Rehabilitation. Each pillar is designed to […]