Prime Minister Davis Tribute to Former Member of Parliament George Smith

Thank you Mr. Speaker I stand to pay tribute to our parliamentary colleague, George Smith, a giant of a man who was a stalwart in this Honourable House;  A Cabinet Minister; A political historian par excellence; A son of the Exuma soil;  A forefather of this free, modern, democratic and independent state called the Commonwealth […]

Remarks at the Opening of the Nassau Village Community Centre Groundbreaking

Hon. Philip Edward Davis KC, MP  Prime Minister Commonwealth of The Bahamas June 6, 2023 Good afternoon to each and every one of you.  We gather here today at a historic juncture in Nassau Village, the beginning of a project that is more than concrete and steel — the Nassau Village Youth and Community Centre. […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks on the Budget for Security and Progress

Madam Speaker: Providence has determined that each of us has been blessed to represent our fellow Bahamians in this parliament as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of our Commonwealth. My government heeds well the rallying cry of this year’s celebrations, that we should do all that we can to lift up our […]