Prime Minister Davis met with Members of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas Trade Union Congress To Create A Stronger, More Inclusive Economy

In keeping with Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis’ intention to partner with Bahamians to create a stronger, more inclusive economy, he met with members of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas Trade Union Congress (BTUC) yesterday. The Minister of Labour and Immigration, Hon. Keith Bell was also in attendance. The Prime Minister said the Davis Administration […]

Prime Minister Davis Encourages Public Service to Embrace Digitization at 

Coming on the heels of the one-year anniversary of the launch of MyGateway, the digital platform used by over 70,000 Bahamians and residents to access and pay for government services online,  Prime Minister Philip Davis addressed Cabinet Ministers and other public services leaders at the government’s inaugural Digital Transformation Symposium held at Margaritaville Resort early […]

A Toast By Prime Minister Philip Davis, QC, MP To Their Royal Highnesses Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge On The Occasion Of A Reception During The Royal Visit To Mark The Platinum Jubilee Of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Your Excellency, Your Royal Highnesses, Reverend, Honoured and Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to begin by paying tribute to Her Majesty, The Queen. We are delighted to be able to join in the Platinum Jubilee celebrations in this way. And on behalf of the Government and People of The Commonwealth […]