REMARKS: 2019 National High School Basketball Championships Ring Ceremony

Protocol having already been established, Honourable Ministers, Principal, staff and students at St. Georges High School, 2019 Basketball Champions, Good Evening. Tonight, I celebrate with you your major achievement. Your 2019 win at the National High School Basketball Championship is one that is admirable and a true representation of what hard work and determination will […]

Davis Administration marks first month of free COVID-19 initiatives

For immediate release Over 17,000 free tests and 165,000 free masks take a bite out of COVID – Davis Administration marks first month of free COVID-19 initiatives Since taking office, managing the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout have been top priorities of the Davis Administration. Now, one month into a smooth rollout of its […]

Prime Minister Davis presents Awards at RBDF Passing Out Ceremony

For Immediate Release Prime Minister Davis presents Awards at RBDF Passing Out Ceremony –“Your example will help us continue to recruit the brightest young Bahamians of yourgeneration.” Expressing his gratitude for their decision to serve, Prime Minister the Hon. Philip Davisofficiated the Presentation of Awards at the Royal Bahamas Defence Force’s Passing OutParade earlier today. […]