Future of Caribbean Money Conference

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis has expressed his dedication to ensuring that Bahamians are at the forefront of the movement in attracting major crypto-exchanges and related players to the islands. Yesterday, the Prime Minister spoke at SiliconCaribe’s ‘Future Of Caribbean Money’ Conference which was hosted by Crypto Isle, The Bahamas’ first and only cryptocurrency and […]

Heads of Agreement signed for new hotel in South Eleuthera

One of the primary objectives of the government being economic restoration, has led to the promise of a major international investment by Cotton Bay Holdings, after the signing of a Heads of Agreement took place yesterday, December 6th 2021. The Ritz Carlton, which is an American multinational company made up of a chain of luxury hotels, in partnership with Cotton […]

Prime Minister Philip Davis seeks to Create More Opportunities for Artists

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis accepted a special invitation to view the work of outstanding Bahamian artist Tavares Strachan. Strachan’s work is being exhibited at this year’s Art Basel Miami Beach. Strachan, who was born in Nassau and is currently based in New York and London, hosted Prime Minister Davis to a special tour featuring […]

Driving a Spirit of Collaboration Between the Bahamas and the United States Coast Guard

Fostering healthy connections between our country and organizations such as the United States Coast Guard, remains one of the top priorities of the Government of the Bahamas to drive a spirit of collaboration across countries. Rear Admiral Brendan C. McPherson, Commander of the Seventh Coast Guard District and U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Usha Pitts, paid a […]