Government of The Bahamas launches Free COVID-19 Testing in New Providence

After successful free testing pilot programmes in Eleuthera, Inagua, Bimini and the Berry Islands, the Government of The Bahamas is beginning free COVID-19 testing in New Providence today, with plans to expand nationwide in the coming days and weeks. The free testing is part of a larger government effort to reduce the impact of the […]
Amended Heads of Agreement signed for new medical school in Grand Bahama

PRESS RELEASE Amended Heads of Agreement signed for new medical school in Grand Bahama The Bahamas can now look forward to a new medical school located on the island of Grand Bahama. With the signing of an amended Heads of Agreement with Western Atlantic University School of Medicine (WAUSM) on 5 January 2022, the Government […]
Heads of Agreement signed for new hotel in South Eleuthera

One of the primary objectives of the government being economic restoration, has led to the promise of a major international investment by Cotton Bay Holdings, after the signing of a Heads of Agreement took place yesterday, December 6th 2021. The Ritz Carlton, which is an American multinational company made up of a chain of luxury hotels, in partnership with Cotton […]
Prime Minister Davis Congratulates Central Bank Governor John Rolle on being named to The Bloomberg 50 for 2021

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis congratulates Central Bank Governor John Rolle on being named to The Bloomberg 50, a list of those who have made stellar contributions in their chosen fields. Governor Rolle is being highlighted for his work in the local financial services arena. This sector has remained dynamic and made great strides over […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis seeks to Create More Opportunities for Artists

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis accepted a special invitation to view the work of outstanding Bahamian artist Tavares Strachan. Strachan’s work is being exhibited at this year’s Art Basel Miami Beach. Strachan, who was born in Nassau and is currently based in New York and London, hosted Prime Minister Davis to a special tour featuring […]