Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at the National Day of Prayer Service 2024

My fellow Bahamians: As followers of Christ, we believe in the power of prayer to bring about change and transformation — in our lives and in the world around us.  On this National Day of Prayer, we come together to pray for God’s guidance and intervention. We come together in repentance, and to rededicate ourselves […]

Prime Minister Davis’s National Statement on Crime

Good evening, everyone. In this my first public national statement for the year, I would have preferred to have taken this time to set out the plans we have in place to further lift our national development in 2024. Instead, with the country having witnessed 11 murders over the past 14 days, I want to […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at the 2024 Majority Rule Day Wreath Laying Ceremony

My brothers and sisters: Today, we come together to honour the founding father of our nation, and the many others who fought alongside him. We come together to remember the days before Majority Rule, and to appreciate the modern, independent nation we’ve built in the years since. And we come together to dedicate ourselves to […]