Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks on the Budget for Security and Progress

Madam Speaker: Providence has determined that each of us has been blessed to represent our fellow Bahamians in this parliament as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of our Commonwealth. My government heeds well the rallying cry of this year’s celebrations, that we should do all that we can to lift up our […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at the Financial Services Week Conference

Ladies and Gentlemen, Allow me to begin by expressing my gratitude for having the privilege to address you today. This wonderful gathering is a testament to our shared commitment to the pivotal role of the Financial Services Industry and to recognizing the contributions of the Bahamas Institute of Financial Services. Considering the central role financial […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Tribute to the Life of Roney Ambrister

Thank you very much moderator, and please be seated. Cabinet and Parliamentary colleagues; The Officiant and Rector, Reverend Father Roderick Bain; Other members of the clergy; Leader of the Opposition; Former Prime Ministers; Officers and members of the Free National Movement; Officers and members of the Bahamas Musicians and Entertainers Union; The bereaved family, friends […]