Prime Minister Davis’ Tribute to the Life of Clarence Ellis

Good day church and please be seated. Parliamentary colleagues;  Former Prime Ministers; Officiant, His Grace, Bishop Neil C. Ellis; His assistants Pastors Joel Rolle and Oral Ellis; Other Ministers of the gospel; Members of the bereaved family, loved ones, friends and well-wishers. On behalf of my wife Ann-Marie and my family, and on behalf of […]

Prime Minister Davis Remarks on the Central Bank of the Bahamas Amendment

Madam Speaker, Today, we will debate the Central Bank of The Bahamas (Amendment) Bill, 2023.  I would like to address head-on the concerns raised by the Opposition Leader, Mr Michael Pintard, regarding our government’s access to $232 million of the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocation and the subsequent amendment to the Central […]

Prime Minister Davis Remarks on the New Yamacraw Farmer’s Market

Good morning, everyone! As I look around today, I can’t help but be so immensely proud of the progress we are making.  Some people may just see a farmer’s market, but I see a more sustainable and food-secure Bahamas. I see a promising new platform for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. And I see a […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Tribute to the Life of Eldred Bethel

Your Excellency the Governor-General… The Very Reverend Dean Harry Bain… Reverend, Honoured and Distinguished Guests… Good morning. As we celebrate this 50th Anniversary year of Independence in The Bahamas, we have already begun to reflect on many aspects of nationhood and national development: our identity, our progress, our culture and our institutions. And while we […]