REMARKS: Prime Minister The Most Hon. Hubert A. Minnis and Minister of Finance Inauguration of the Orville Turnquest National Security Building

Ladies and Gentlemen: Good afternoon.  Today, as we look around our nation and the world, we are reminded of the role that our uniformed branches play in protecting our borders and in helping to keep our communities safe.  The official opening of this building, dedicated to national security, goes beyond a state-of-the-art physical structure.  The […]

REMARKS: The Most Hon. Dr. Hubert A. Minnis Prime Minister and Minister of Finance The First Meeting of the Prime Ministerial Sub-Committee on Tourism

My Colleague Prime Ministers, Heads of delegations, Secretary General Ambassador LaRocque, Ministers of Tourism, other distinguished delegates, welcome to this our First Meeting of the Prime Ministerial Sub-Committee on Tourism. The COVID-19 pandemic is an existential threat to the tourism industry of CARICOM. Fiscal revenues from the tourism industry have declined precipitously. The direct and […]

REMARKS: The Most Hon. Hubert A. Minnis Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Contribution to the House of Assembly

Mr. Speaker,      Today I rise to present several signature pieces of draft legislation to this honourable house. They complete a compendium of financial and statistical legislation that is critical to the advancement of sound fiscal management and evidenced based decision making in The Bahamas.      The legislation included in the compendium are: the Public Debt Management […]