National Address – 9 August, 2020

My Fellow Bahamians and Residents:        Good afternoon. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I have spoken to you on a regular basis to update and to inform you on our comprehensive and vigorous national response to this very contagious and deadly virus. I have sought to encourage you, as well as to warn you of the danger […]

National Address 3 August 2020

My Fellow Bahamians and Residents:        The global COVID-19 pandemic is in a new and more dangerous stage at home and abroad.        Some countries are experiencing what some believe is a second wave of the pandemic, while the first wave continues and has gotten worse in other countries.        From Europe to Asia to Africa to North […]

Press Remarks – 24 July, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen: Health officials have made a series of recommendations to control and reduce the spread of COVID-19. These include a wide range of measures, including but not limited to the closure of domestic borders, discontinuing indoor and outdoor dining, restricting social gatherings, weekend lockdowns and a full national lockdown. After much consideration, we […]

Debate on House of Assembly Resolution – July 23, 2020

Mr. Speaker:      Today, we debate a Resolution that:  (a)  approves the continuance of the Proclamation made on the 29th day of June, 2020 until the 30th  day of September, 2020;      (b)  affirms the continuance in effect of the Emergency Powers (Covid-19 Pandemic) Regulations, 2020 made on 29th day of June, 2020 until the […]

Statement on Grand Bahama – July 21, 2020

Good morning. I am announcing today that after consultation with health and other officials, including officials on Grand Bahama, that Grand Bahama will be placed on a two-week lockdown in order to slow and control the community spread of the COVID-19 virus on this island. This lockdown will take effect beginning Thursday, the 23rd of […]