National Address – July 19, 2020

Fellow Bahamians and Residents:        Good afternoon.        The COVID-19 pandemic is still raging around the world and is getting much worse in some countries.        The world is still in a global health emergency, with some health officials warning that things may get even worse, and worse and worse.        According to the World Health Organization, the world […]

House of Assembly Resolution

Mr. Speaker:This past Sunday, I was pleased to witness the signing of the Hippocratic Oath by new physicians here at home, who will serve our country for many years to come.  The ceremony was particularly special for me as a father because one of my sons took the Oath, which medical doctors have sworn for centuries.  […]

National Address – 28 June 2020

My Fellow Bahamians and Residents:        Good afternoon.        I thought it essential to address the nation as we are about to enter a new period or what some have described as a “new normal” during the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic.        Most of our country and economy have reopened, though, with certain necessary restrictions. Our phased reopening […]

Official Opening of the Fishing Hole Road Causeway

Rev. Lindy Russell, Cabinet and Parliamentary Colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen good afternoon.        Today marks the end to a long and difficult chapter for the residents of Grand Bahama especially those who reside in West Grand Bahama.        The Fishing Hole Road Causeway connects West and East Grand Bahama Island and is the main access […]


Thank you, Mr. Chairman The Bahamas wishes to inform that there have been no new cases of coronavirus for the past 10 days in Nassau, 41 days on the island of Grand Bahama, and 35 days on the island of Bimini, and no COVID19 cases on any of the remaining 23 major islands. Madam Secretary […]