Mr. Speaker:        Let me begin by offering all the fathers in The Bahamas, a belated Happy Father’s Day, including to my father who will be 88 on July 18th. Mr. Speaker:        One of the greater privileges in my life was my election to serve as the Member of Parliament for Killarney.        I […]

Press Conference Statement – 4 June, 2020

Good afternoon. Early on in the Government’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak I noted that the country had to respond on several fronts at the same time. We had to respond to the immediate and ongoing health challenges posed by the virus. We also had to respond to the variety of economic challenges at home […]

Communication to Parliament

Mr. Speaker: Today, the Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health reports that the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in The Bahamas remains at 100. Of these cases, 43 are active and 46 have recovered. Currently, there are six individuals hospitalized and there have been 11 deaths. The total number of confirmed cases identified […]

Royal Bahamas Defence Force Change Of Command Ceremony

Your Excellency; Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to participate in the Change of Command Ceremony for the Royal Bahamas Defence Force leadership with the installation of the eight commander of the Force. Let me begin by thanking the fine men and women of the RBDF for their extraordinary service as we face the COVID-19 […]


Fellow Bahamians and Residents: Good afternoon. We are continuing to make progress in containing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Because we acted quickly and decisively as a country and used a broad range of measures, we have been able to limit the spread of the deadly virus. To date, there remain 96 confirmed cases […]