National Address – 10 May 2020

Fellow Bahamians and Residents: Good afternoon. Let me begin by wishing all mothers in The Bahamas a blessed and happy Mother’s Day. At the end of my address I wish to pay tribute to the mothers of our country. They are our bedrock and foundation. Fellow Bahamians and Residents: To date, there remain 92 confirmed […]

3 May COVID-19 Update National Address

NATIONAL ADDRESS COVID – 19 Update The Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis Prime Minister Sunday, 3 May 2020 My Fellow Bahamians and Residents: Good afternoon. We are making progress in our fight against the COVID -19 virus. The measures we have put in place to stem the outbreak are working. But we cannot as a […]

House of Assembly Communication: COVID-19 Response

 The Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis Monday, 27 April 2020   Mr. Speaker: The House meets today to approve a Resolution extending emergency powers in The Bahamas because of the COVID-19 global pandemic.   I also wish to provide the House and the Bahamian people with an update on a range of matters in my […]

PRESS CONFERENCE: Update on COVID-19 Response – 19 April

Good afternoon. I want to provide the country and the media an update on our comprehensive and full government response to the health, social and economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 virus. This is also a follow-up to a number of matters from my National Address last Monday. I am joined at this afternoon’s press […]


Fellow Bahamians and Residents: Good evening. Following the Easter break and the most recent lockdown, I want to give you an update on where we are in our fight against COVID-19. I also want to talk with you about the way forward during the coming week and the weeks and months ahead. We are making […]