Prime Minister Davis Promotes The Bahamas as a Premier Destination for Partnership and Investment

London, England – Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis is promoting The Bahamas as a premier destination for global partnerships and investments in a series of meetings and events in London this week, including at the African Leadership Summit, where he delivered a keynote address emphasizing our shared histories, growing trade and diplomatic ties, and opportunities […]
Acting Prime Minister Chester Cooper’s Contribution to the Debate on the Intellectual Property Compendium 2024
Introduction Deputy Speaker, Today, I rise to my feet in this Honourable House, on behalf of the beautiful and resilient people of the Exumas and Ragged Island Constituency in support of this compendium of bills to reform, strengthen, and modernise our national approach to protecting Intellectual Property and providing modern, efficient Registrar services for companies […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis’s Contribution to the Cannabis Reform Compendium 2024 Debate
Madam Speaker, I rise today on behalf of the people of Cat Island, Rum Cay, and San Salvador in support of a compendium of Bills to legalise the use of cannabis for medical and religious purposes, to decriminalise the possession of small amounts of cannabis, and to regulate the cultivation, sale and use of cannabis […]
Prime Minister Davis Outlines Vision for Digital Transformation at CANTO 2024, Announces The Bahamas to Host CANTO 2025.

July 8, 2024 – Miami, Florida – At the 39th Annual CANTO Conference and Trade Exhibition, Prime Minister the Hon. Philip Davis, KC, MP, articulated a bold vision for the digital future of The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean. He announced The Bahamas as the next host country for CANTO 2025, underlining the nation’s commitment […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis’s Keynote Address at the 2nd Annual SDG Conference
Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning. It’s an honour to join you for this 2nd annual Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) conference. Congratulations to our SDG Unit at the Office of the Prime Minister for bringing us together, once again, to discuss the advancement of our SDG agenda. Friends, as the theme of this conference suggests, the […]