Prime Minister Davis Opens Day 1 of COP 28 with a Call for Climate-Smart Investment

Expo City, Dubai – Prime Minister Philip Davis set a commanding tone on the opening day of COP 28 in Dubai, underscoring the critical need for climate-smart investment, especially for Small Island Developing States (SIDS). His leadership and commitment to climate action were evident as he detailed The Bahamas’ approach to sustainable development and resilience […]

Press Statement on Prime Minister Davis Attending UNFCCC COP 28

Nassau, The Bahamas – Prime Minister, Hon. Philip Davis, is scheduled to attend the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP 28) to the UNFCCC in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 28 to December 4, 2023. This visit underscores The Bahamas’ active role in the discussions on the world’s climate emergency and our commitment to […]

Bahamian Economy Continues to Grow; Inflation Is Down

Nassau, The Bahamas – In the Concluding Statement for its recent official visit, The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revised its economic growth projection for the Bahamian economy to 2.3%, an improvement over its previous forecast. The Statement, which was published Monday, gives the preliminary findings on the country’s macro-economic outlook and fiscal environment. Minister […]