Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at Mount Tabor Church Second Year Anniversary
Good Morning Church, I am so grateful to be here with you this morning as we give thanks to the Lord for all his blessings. We have come such a long way as a nation – not just over the past two years but over the past fifty years. Take a look around this church, […]
Official Press Statement from the Office of The Prime Minister on Prime Minister Davis attending the G77+China Summit
Prime Minister Philip Davis Urges the United Nations to Take a Leading Role as Arbiter in International Tax Cooperation & Administration Issues at the G77+China Summit in Havana, Cuba Havana, Cuba — In his address at the G77+China Summit, Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis KC MP firmly advocated for the United Nations to oversee international tax cooperation and administration. Expressing his […]
Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the G77+China Havana Summit
Conference Chair Ladies and Gentlemen: To the people and government of the Republic of Cuba, I extend my sincere gratitude for hosting this event. Your hospitality and commitment to South-South partnership and dialogue are genuinely appreciated. Today, we stand at the crossroads of development where science, technology, and innovation (STI) have the potential to significantly […]
Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the Closing Press Conference Botswana State Visit
Today stands as a testament to the strength and potential of international relations as we in The Bahamas warmly welcome the President of Botswana and his delegation. It’s not merely an official visit but the growth of a deeply-rooted friendship between our nations. This administration is actively strengthening its foreign policy, and the visit of the President of Botswana stands as clear […]
Publication of Portfolio Allocations
We are announcing the publication of portfolio allocations pursuant to Article 77 of the Constitution. As detailed in the provided Schedule, her Excellency, Governor-General Cynthia A. Pratt, has allocated portfolios to specific Ministers. These allocations took effect on 11 September 2023.