Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the National Honours Investiture

Good morning to all and please be seated. The Most Honourable Cornelius A. Smith, Governor General; Cabinet and Parliamentary colleagues; Honourees; Invited guests… On behalf of the government and people of the Bahamas, I have accepted this invitation from the Governor General to pay special tribute to the recipients of the 2022 National Honours. I […]

Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the Long Service Awards Ceremony

His Excellency, the Most Honorable Sir Cornelius A. Smith, Governor General of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Minister of State for Economic Affairs, Senator The Honorable Michael Halkitis, Mr Simon Wilson, Financial Secretary, Permanent Secretary, Mrs Janice Miller, Acting Comptroller Of Customs, Mr Roosevelt Bethell, executives of the Customs Department, Honourees, other Customs Staff, Families, […]

Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks on the National Investment Funds Bill

Mr. Deputy Speaker: I recently gave a National Address to update my fellow Bahamians on our nation’s progress. It’s always good to reflect together on our challenges and opportunities, and with the 50th anniversary of our independence drawing nearer, our reflection takes on a special resonance. We celebrate all that we have accomplished — the […]

Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the Progressive Liberal Party of Bermuda Convention

Honoured and Distinguished Guests, My Sisters and Brothers, Good Evening! I believe that somewhere in Heaven, they’re smiling tonight. I believe that somewhere in Heaven, Dame Lois Browne-Evans and Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling are smiling tonight. Smiling, because it is on nights like tonight, when the Progressive Labour Party of Bermuda, and the Progressive Liberal […]