Contribution to House of Assembly Debate Extension to the Emergency Proclamation – 26 November 2020

Mr. Speaker: In The Bahamas, the proclamation of emergency and Parliament’s authorization of emergency powers grant the Government of the day the legal authority to act to protect the Bahamian people. We are not here today to extend a curfew. We are not here to enforce a lockdown. We are not here to announce additional restrictions […]
House of Assembly Communication – 18 November 2020

Mr. Speaker: I wish to provide the House and the country with a general update on the nation’s ongoing efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently, I announced restrictive measures for mainland Exuma, and mainland Eleuthera, due to exponential increases in new cases of COVID-19 on those islands. As of yesterday, the 17th of November, […]
House of Assembly Communication – 7 October 2020

Mr. Speaker:In my national address this past Sunday I advised the countryon the situation we currently face in the COVID-19 pandemic,which remains a dangerous and deadly threat to the entire worldand to our Bahamas. I am encouraged with the progress in Grand Bahama and most of our Family Islands.Virus numbers are low in these places.Therefore, […]
House of Assembly Resolution

Mr. Speaker:This past Sunday, I was pleased to witness the signing of the Hippocratic Oath by new physicians here at home, who will serve our country for many years to come. The ceremony was particularly special for me as a father because one of my sons took the Oath, which medical doctors have sworn for centuries. […]
Communication to Parliament

Mr. Speaker: Today, the Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health reports that the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in The Bahamas remains at 100. Of these cases, 43 are active and 46 have recovered. Currently, there are six individuals hospitalized and there have been 11 deaths. The total number of confirmed cases identified […]