Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the 50th Anniversary of Independence Gala

Your Excellency President Paul Kagame of The Republic of Rwanda, Fellow Prime Ministers, Premier, Vice-Chairman and Deputies of Bermuda, The People’s Republic of China, Grenada, and Turks and Caicos… Rt. Hon. Patricia Baroness Scotland, Secretary-General of The Commonwealth, Members of The Diplomatic Corps and Ambassadors from The Czech Republic, Nigeria and Ukraine, Honourable Ministers and […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks on the Fiscal Strategy Report

Introduction Madam Speaker Last Wednesday, I rose in this Honourable House in my capacity as the Minister of Finance, to table: The 2022 Fiscal Strategy Report, and the 2023/24-2025/26 Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy. In approximately three weeks, the FY2022/23 Mid-Year review will also be tabled. This document will provide Members, the Bahamian public and the […]

Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks on the Handing Over Chairmanship of CARICOM

Your Excellencies: Fellow Heads of Government: Madam Secretary-General of CARICOM: Current Chairman of CARICOM, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, the Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit – let me take this opportunity to wish you a successful tenure: Honoured and Distinguished Guests from within and beyond the Caribbean Region: Ladies and Gentlemen: My thanks to the […]

Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at Handover of CARICOM Chairmanship

Your Excellencies: Fellow Heads of Government: Madam Secretary-General of CARICOM: Current Chairman of CARICOM, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica, the Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit – let me take this opportunity to wish you a successful tenure: Honoured and Distinguished Guests from within and beyond the Caribbean Region: Ladies and Gentlemen: My thanks to the […]

Prime Minister Davis’s Remarks at the US Embassy’s 247th Independence Celebrations

Ladies and gentlemen, Distinguished guests, Today I join in celebrating the 247th anniversary of the United States’ independence.  On behalf of the Bahamian people, I extend our heartfelt congratulations to the United States and its representatives on this momentous occasion. As we gather here today, we are reminded of the remarkable journey that the United […]