Prime Minister Philip Davis Announces Stringent Bail Reform Measures to Enhance Public Safety in The Bahamas
NASSAU, The Bahamas – Today, Prime Minister Philip Davis KC MP addressed a critical issue facing The Bahamas – the urgent need for bail reform. In his remarks, the Prime Minister emphasized, “We are here today because enough is enough.” Highlighting the repeated instances where individuals charged with crimes and released on bail have gone […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis’ Remarks at the New Providence Solar Energy RFP Announcement
Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen. As you have heard me say many times, and in many contexts, we didn’t come here to defend the status quo but to change it. And if there’s one area crying out for urgent and major change, it’s energy. For far too long, high prices and unreliability have hurt Bahamian […]
Prime Minister Philip Davis Announces Key Amendments to the Bail Act
Today, Prime Minister Davis delivered a strong message regarding the government’s efforts to enhance public safety and uphold the rule of law. Announcing critical amendments to the Bail Act, Prime Minister Davis emphasized, “Bail is a constitutional right, but not a right to be abused. We are ensuring that the liberty accompanying the presumption of […]
Prime Minister Davis’ Remarks at Renaissance at Carmichael Housing Walk-Through
Today, we are here to take another step toward our vision to make affordable housing a reality for Bahamian families. From day one, our goal has been to empower more Bahamians to pursue their dreams of homeownership. Thank you to Ministers Keith Bell and Lisa Rahming for getting on with the work of our Blueprint […]
Statement from The Office of the Prime Minister on the Freedom of Information Act
The Office of the Prime Minister wishes to make clear the Davis administration’s commitment to the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Minister Mitchell, in a recent Nassau Guardian article, affirmed that the government is actively moving forward with the FOIA’s implementation. This step underscores our unwavering dedication to ensuring transparency and accountability […]