National Address – 9 August, 2020

My Fellow Bahamians and Residents: Good afternoon. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I have spoken to you on a regular basis to update and to inform you on our comprehensive and vigorous national response to this very contagious and deadly virus. I have sought to encourage you, as well as to warn you of the danger […]
Press Remarks – 24 July, 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen: Health officials have made a series of recommendations to control and reduce the spread of COVID-19. These include a wide range of measures, including but not limited to the closure of domestic borders, discontinuing indoor and outdoor dining, restricting social gatherings, weekend lockdowns and a full national lockdown. After much consideration, we […]
House of Assembly Resolution

Mr. Speaker:This past Sunday, I was pleased to witness the signing of the Hippocratic Oath by new physicians here at home, who will serve our country for many years to come. The ceremony was particularly special for me as a father because one of my sons took the Oath, which medical doctors have sworn for centuries. […]
House of Assembly Communication: COVID-19 Response

The Most Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis Monday, 27 April 2020 Mr. Speaker: The House meets today to approve a Resolution extending emergency powers in The Bahamas because of the COVID-19 global pandemic. I also wish to provide the House and the Bahamian people with an update on a range of matters in my […]

Good afternoon: I want to begin my brief statement by expressing condolences to the family and friends of the two COVID-19 patients who have passed away. We pray for the dead and their families during this time of grief and sorrow. After my remarks health officials will provide you with more information. As I said repeatedly, […]