Government launches successful free COVID-19 testing pilot program on Inagua

Today the government kept one of its key campaign promises of a New Day by launching its free COVID-19 testing program in Inagua, to combat COVID-19 across the country. Inagua was selected as the launch site because of a recent outbreak of the virus after the election campaign, which sadly resulted in the deaths of […]

REMARKS: Prime Minister Philip Davis, QC, MP -14 October 2021

Good Morning Everyone.I am delighted to have this opportunity to engage with you this morning.Just four weeks ago today, my administration was elected to serve, with a convincing vote by the Bahamian people. Since Election Day, in many ways those days and weeks have felt very long.Along with the usual ceremonial and bureaucratic requirements involved […]


Madame President and Honourable Senators,Madame Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly: Just twenty days ago, my Government was elected with a mandate to bring about a “New Day” in our Bahamas. It is clear from the results of the election that Bahamians demand transformational change. My Government comes into governance with our […]

REMARKS: The Rt. Hon. Philip Davis, QC, Prime Minister – October 4th, 2021

Good morning.      In moving its headquarters from Hong Kong to The Bahamas, FTX has started what we hope will be the beginning of a trend. We hope that more companies within the cryptocurrency and block chain spheres begin to see The Bahamas as an ideal destination for their operations. I believe that the relocation of the […]